AFAMEDIS <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Title: </strong>AFAMEDIS<br><strong>ISSN: </strong><a href="">2721-3269</a>&nbsp;(Online)<br><strong>Accreditation: </strong>-.<br><strong>Subject: </strong>Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences<br><strong>Frequency: </strong>Bi-annually (2 issues per year in March and September)<br><strong>Indexed at: </strong><a href=";hl=en">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="">GARUDA</a>, and more<br><strong>DOI: </strong><a href="">10.61609/afamedis</a><br><strong>Archive preservation:</strong><a href="">GARUDA</a><br><strong>Publisher: </strong><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Institu</a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">te</a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> for</a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Research</a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> and</a> <a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Community</a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Services </a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Akademi</a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Farmasi</a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Mitra</a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Sehat</a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Mandiri</a><a style="background-color: transparent;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Sidoarjo</a><br><strong>Editor in Chief: </strong><a href="">Erna Fitriany</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>AFAMEDIS (e-ISSN: <a href="">2721-3269</a>) </strong>is an open-access journal that is a media of research publication and review articles on all aspects of pharmaceutical science that is innovative, creative, original, and based on scientific research. Contains writings taken from the results of research and analysis in the pharmacy field. Articles published in this journal include Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Traditional Medicine, Food and beverages, and the pharmacy field. Published two times a year in March and September.&nbsp;</p> en-US (Erna Fitriany) (Panji Ratih Suci) Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 Kesesuaian Penulisan Resep Pasien BPJS dengan Formularium Nasional di Poli Penyakit dalam Rumah Sakit Islam Hasanah Mojokerto Periode Oktober – Desember 2022 <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Background: Social security is a form of social protection that guarantees all Indonesian people can meet the needs of a decent life. The Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS) is one of the institutions established to administer social security assistance programs in Indonesia. To overcome the imbalance between the contributions received from the community and the health costs incurred by BPJS, efforts are made to optimize BPJS patient prescribing based on the National Formulary as a reference so that the hospital can control the quality and cost of treatment and optimize services to patients. Research Methods: This research is non-experimental, descriptive research with retrospective data collection from October to December 2021, using the purposive sampling method, namely examining existing samples with specific considerations. The data are presented in tabular form and are described and calculated in percentage terms. A prescription is said to be by the National Formulary if all the drugs are included in the National Formulary. The results showed that the suitability of prescription writing with the National Formulary based on prescription sheets was 74.19%, which was by the National Formulary, and 25.81%, which was not according to the National Formulary. In comparison, the conformity of prescription writing to the National Formulary based on drug items was 93.14%, which was by the Formulary. National and 6.86%, which is not by the National Formulary. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the recipes studied need to be fulfilled by the National Formulary.</em></p> Elly Sri Wahyuni, M. Rizky Arif, Merry Patrilinilla Chresna Copyright (c) 2023 Elly Sri Wahyuni, M. Rizky Arif, Merry Patrilinilla Chresna Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Tingkat Pengetahuan Masyarakat tentang DAGUSIBU Obat Antibiotik Amoxicillin di RT.03 RW.01 Kelurahan Prajurit Kulon Kota Mojokerto Periode Februari 2023 <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Amoxicillin antibiotic drug use is currently a popular phenomenon in the population that contributes to several health issues, particularly those connected to drug resistance. Amoxicillin antibiotic drug DAGUSIBU (Get, Use, Save, Dispose) is a program to carry out the Drug Awareness Community Movement. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of public awareness of the DAGUSIBU Amoxicillin Antibiotic Drug in Prajurit Kulon Village, Mojokerto City (Rt.03 Rw.01). The approach used in this study is descriptive-analytical observation with data being collected through validity- and reliability tested questionnaires that are then given out to participants. A sample of 75 respondents was used in this study, conducted in the neighborhood of RT.03 RW.01 Prajurit Kulon Village, Mojokerto City, in this study, spreading questionnaires to respondents and applying purposive sampling to collect data. With 75 respondents, this study was conducted in the neighborhood of RT.03 RW.01 Prajurit Kulon Village, Mojokerto City. The study's results suggest that 56.2% of participants have enough knowledge to "get" something, 60.8% of people have enough knowledge to "use" something, 51.2% of people have enough knowledge to "save," and 63.2% of people have enough information to "discard." With percentages of 9.3% (7 respondents), 46.7% (35 respondents), and less than 44%, DAGUSIBU's levels of knowledge of the antibiotic amoxicillin are good (33 respondents). Amoxicillin and DAGUSIBU, an antibiotic, are known to the public.</em></p> Dianita Suryaningrum, Widodo Priyanto Copyright (c) 2023 Dianita Suryaningrum, Widodo Priyanto Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Variasi Jenis Diluent terhadap Mutu Fisik Tablet Temu Putih (Curcuma zedoaria) menggunakan Metode Cetak Langsung <p style="text-align: justify;"><em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">White Tumeric (Curcuma zedoaria) is a plant that contains curcuminoid compounds and essential oils on its rhizomes, which are helpful as an anticancer. This study aims to determine which filling material (diluent) is good as a filler for white meeting tablets (Curcuma zedoaria). Tablets are made using the direct printing method with the types of fillers (diluent) used are ludipress, starch 1500, and Spray Dried Lactose. The resulting tablets were carried out still angle and flow properties tests, compression index tests, weight uniformity tests, size uniformity tests, tablet hardness tests, tablet brittleness tests, and crush time tests. In the test of stationary angle and flow properties and compression index in ludipress filler materials, the flow property value was 10.42 g/s, the stationary angle value was 27.77º, and the compression index was 10%. In the starch filler material 1500 obtained a flow property value of 4.17 g/s, a stationary angle of 34.40º, and a compression index of 30%; in the formulation of Spray Dried Lactose obtained a flow property value of 10.18 g/s, a stationary angle of 27.74º, and a compression index of 5%. Variations of the diluent Spray Dried Lactose type show optimal results for white temu tablet filler (Curcuma zedoaria).</span></em></p> Iswandi Iswandi, Pudiastuti Pudiastuti Copyright (c) 2023 Iswandi Iswandi, Pudiastuti Pudiastuti Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Evaluasi Perencanaan Infus di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit ‘X’ Mojokerto Periode Januari – Desember Tahun 2022 <p><em>Drug planning is an activity process of selecting the type, quantity, and price of pharmaceutical supplies according to the needs and budget. An effective planning process is to ensure the availability of drugs so as to avoid drug shortages and excesses. This study aims to determine and evaluate infusion planning at Hospital 'x'. There are 23 items of infusion type at Hospital 'x' in 2020. This research is a non-experimental study using a retrospective method. This research was conducted at the Hospital 'x' Mojokerto. Methods of data collection This study used primary data derived from interviews with the head of the pharmacy installation and secondary data derived from drug planning data and infusion stock-taking reports at Hospital 'x'. Furthermore, the research results are compared with standard indicators. The results showed that the planning indicator was the percentage of the number of drug items held as planned (57%), and the planning indicator was the percentage of the budget (97%). The planning for the realization budget has been efficient but is still not fully effective and needs improvement, especially the drug planning process.</em></p> Nur Aini Dewi Purnamasari, Novia Ariani Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Aini Dewi Purnamasari, Novia Ariani Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Pola Peresepan Obat Glaukoma di Poli Spesialis Mata Rumah Sakit X di Kabupaten Sidoarjo Periode Desember 2022 – Februari 2023 <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Glaucoma is a chronic optic neuropathy disease characterized by occlusion of the optic disc, narrowing of the field of view, and increased intraocular pressure. This study aimed to determine the pattern of glaucoma medication adherence in the ophthalmology polyclinic of Hospital X in Sidoarjo Regency for the period December 2022 - February 2023. This study was descriptive, non-experimental, and retrospective data collection. The results of this study obtained 127 prescription sheets. Based on the gender, 94 women (74.04%) and 33 men (25.98%). The most common age group suffered by patients aged over 65 years was 44 people (34.65%). 3 groups are most widely prescribed, namely the non-selective Beta blocker group (Timolol 0.5% eye drops) obtained 63 prescriptions (49.61%) with the rule of daily use 2 x 1 drop, the Systemic Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor group (Acetazolamide 500 mg tablets ) obtained 9 prescriptions (7.09%) with the rule of daily use 1 to 2 times 1 tablet, the Prostaglandin Analog group (Latanoprost 0.005% eye drops) obtained 4 prescriptions (3.15%) with the rule of using 1 drop at night. The prescribing pattern for the glaucoma drug that was most often prescribed was Timolol 0.5% eye drops, which obtained 63 prescriptions (49.61%).</em></p> Nur Halimah, Yugo Susanto Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Halimah, Yugo Susanto Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Perbandingan Data Penjulan Multivitamin Apotek “X” Kecamatan Tarik Kabupaten Sidoarjo Sebelum Pandemi (Periode Januari 2020) Dan Disaat Pandemi (Periode Januari 2021) <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>&nbsp;The role of the pharmacy is very important in providing drug availability which is very high. Methods: This study used observation and in-depth interviews. In determining the number of samples using total sampling technique. The instruments used were data collection sheets (Observation) and interviews with the pharmacists of pharmacy X, Tarik district. Results: The results of this study regarding a comparison of multivitamin sales data at the “X” District of Tarik pharmacy before the pandemic (January 2020) and during the pandemic (January 2021) obtained results based on observational data stating that multivitamin sales in the pre-pandemic period (January 2020) with a total of 252 with a percentage of 32%, and sales of multivitamins during a pandemic (January 2021) with a total of 529 with a percentage of 68%. That means that sales of multivitamins during the pandemic (January 2021) experienced a significant increase, namely at 36% compared to before the pandemic (January 2020). It was proven that during the pandemic (January 2021) the "X" Pharmacy, Tarik District, experienced an increase in sales of around 36% compared to before the covid-19 pandemic. </em></p> Rifdah Atikah Safitri, Supomo Supomo Copyright (c) 2023 Rifdah Atikah Safitri, Supomo Supomo Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kepatuhan Pasien terhadap Penggunaan Obat Antihipertensi di Puskesmas Tarik Periode Maret-April 2023 <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Hypertension or high blood pressure is an increase in systolic blood pressure of more than 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of more than 90 mmHg on two measurements with an interval of five minutes in a state of sufficient rest. The success of treatment in hypertension patients is influenced by several factors, one of which is medication adherence. Factors that influence the level of patient compliance include knowledge, motivation for treatment, and family support. The design of this study used a descriptive-analytic with a cross-sectional study approach; data collection was carried out by giving questionnaires and conducting interviews with patients who met the criteria. The result showed that the factors influencing patient compliance were education, employment status, duration of suffering from hypertension, participation in health insurance, level of knowledge, affordability of access to health service, family support, and the role of health workers and motivation for treatment.</em></p> Fita Sari, Eko Yudha Prasetyo Copyright (c) 2023 Fita Sari, Eko Yudha Prasetyo Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Pengaruh Penyimpanan Terhadap Kadar Sediaan Injeksi Mecobalamin dengan Metode Spektrofotometri UV-VIS <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>This scientific paper examines how mecobalamin injection preparations will be affected by the length of storage and can lead to a decrease in drug quality to drug damage. The material used for this research is mecobalamin pro-analysis from PT. Kalbe, chocolate ampoule injection mecobalamin, and aquadest. This research is an experimental study, which aims to determine the effect of storage time on the physical quality of mecobalamin injection preparations in brown ampoules using UV-Vis spectrophotometry method. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of mecobalamin injection preparations that were affected by light for 24 hours with storage durations of 5 days, 10 days, 15 days, and 0 days as a control for comparison. A series of tests from this study concluded that temperature, humidity, light, the effect of storage time, and sample preparation affected the levels of mecobalamin injection preparations. Based on the determination of the concentration of mecobalamin injection in the test solution with different storage times, the results were not constant due to a decrease in levels, when compared to the control. </em></p> Fathul Hidayatul Hasanah, Deny Budi Legowo, Erna Fitriany Copyright (c) 2023 Fathul Hidayatul Hasanah, Deny Budi Legowo, Erna Fitriany Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Balita dengan Perilaku Swamedikasi Pengobatan Diare di Posyandu Tulip Desa Mojokumpul <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Diarrhea is a condition in which the bowel movements are soft or liquid, and the frequency is three or more times a day. In doing treatment there are still many people who use self-medication methods (self-medication). Self-medication can produce results if doing it is based on sufficient knowledge. Likewise when doing selfmedication in toddlers during diarrhea. Seeing the frequent occurrence of extraordinary events (KLB) in cases of diarrhea in toddlers, this makes mothers have to have knowledge and education to reduce or prevent the incidence of dehydration in children. as well as knowing how the behavior of self-medication or self-medication by mothers when their toddlers are experiencing diarrhea. The method used in this study using quantitative methods with the number of samples used as many as 102 mothers of toddlers who have toddlers and have experienced diarrhea. The data analysis used was bivariate analysis using a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. After the data is collected, the respondent's data processing will be processed using the SPSS version 25 application with the editing, coding, data entry, data cleaning and processing processes. </em></p> Andri Priyoherianto, Dyah Ayu Kusumaratni Copyright (c) 2023 Andri Priyoherianto, Dyah Ayu Kusumaratni Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Uji Aktivitas Antidiabetes Ekstrak Kulit Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) pada Mencit (Mus musculus) <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>&nbsp;Diabetes is one of a number of diseases that result in too much sugar levels in the blood (high blood glucose), treatment with the example of the drug Glibenclamide can reduce blood sugar levels gradually, so alternative treatment is needed from natural ingredients. One of the natural ingredients that contain chemical compounds Flavonoids, Coumarins, and Triterpenoids, which have activity lowering blood sugar levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the activity of melinjo peel extract against antidiabetes in mice to determine the most effective dose of lowering blood sugar levels in male mice, in this study using this research method using melinjo peel extract (Gnetum gnemon L) with a dose of 200mg/kgBB ,250mg/kgBW and a dose of 42mg/kgBW which aims to determine the effect of melinjo peel extract as a decrease in blood sugar levels in male mice, shows that melinjo peel extract (Gnetum gnemon L.) is the most effective in reducing sugar levels at a dose of 42mg/kgBW, compared with positive control and doses of 28mg/kgBW and 35mg/kgBW. The results of the study concluded that melinjo peel extract (Gnetum gnemon L) in the 28mg/kgBW, 35mg/kgBW and 42mg/kgBW dose groups were the most effective in reducing blood sugar levels. 42 mg/kg body weight. The conclusion is that there is antidiabetic activity in the extra skin of melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) both at doses of 28mg/kgBW, 35mg/kgBW and 42mg/kgBW but the most effective for reducing blood sugar levels is at a dose of 42mg/kgBW compared to the positive control. This data is supported by repeated ANOVA test with a significant value of p=0.012 (p&gt;0.05), which means that all groups have significant differences in both the extract and the comparison group used.</em></p> Ida Kristianingsih, Panji Ratih Suci, Zuanta Pangestuti Copyright (c) 2023 Ida Kristianingsih, Panji Ratih Suci, Zuanta Pangestuti Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200 Gambaran Waktu Tunggu Pelayanan Resep pada Pasien BPJS Rawat Jalan Di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit X Mojokerto Periode Maret- April 2023 <p><em>&nbsp;Diabetes is one of a number of diseases that result in too much sugar levels in the blood (high blood glucose), treatment with the example of the drug Glibenclamide can reduce blood sugar levels gradually, so alternative treatment is needed from natural ingredients. One of the natural ingredients that contain chemical compounds Flavonoids, Coumarins, and Triterpenoids, which have activity lowering blood sugar levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the activity of melinjo peel extract against antidiabetes in mice to determine the most effective dose of lowering blood sugar levels in male mice, in this study using this research method using melinjo peel extract (Gnetum gnemon L) with a dose of 200mg/kgBB ,250mg/kgBW and a dose of 42mg/kgBW which aims to determine the effect of melinjo peel extract as a decrease in blood sugar levels in male mice, shows that melinjo peel extract (Gnetum gnemon L.) is the most effective in reducing sugar levels at a dose of 42mg/kgBW, compared with positive control and doses of 28mg/kgBW and 35mg/kgBW. The results of the study concluded that melinjo peel extract (Gnetum gnemon L) in the 28mg/kgBW, 35mg/kgBW and 42mg/kgBW dose groups were the most effective in reducing blood sugar levels. 42 mg/kg body weight. The conclusion is that there is antidiabetic activity in the extra skin of melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) both at doses of 28mg/kgBW, 35mg/kgBW and 42mg/kgBW but the most effective for reducing blood sugar levels is at a dose of 42mg/kgBW compared to the positive control. This data is supported by repeated ANOVA test with a significant value of p=0.012 (p&gt;0.05), which means that all groups have significant differences in both the extract and the comparison group used.</em></p> Dewy Resty Basuki, Esti Ambar W Copyright (c) Mon, 11 Sep 2023 06:46:23 +0200 Pengaruh Stock Opname Setiap Bulan Terhadap Pengendalian Obat Oral Kedaluwarsa Di Logistik Farmasi RSI Hasanah Muhammadiyah Mojokerto Periode Januari – Maret 2023 <p><em>Hasanah Muhammadiyah Mojokerto Islamic Hospital has a mission to provide health services by ensuring quality and patient safety. Pharmaceutical logistics is responsible for and supports the Hasanah Muhammadiyah Mojokerto Islamic Hospital in implementing these principles by managing pharmaceutical supplies and medical consumables (BMHP) and providing pharmaceutical services properly. The pharmacy installation of the Hasanah Muhammadiyah Mojokerto Islamic Hospital requires that drugs be managed effectively and efficiently so that there is no problem with expired drug stocks because it can cause material losses borne by the hospital. This study aims to determine the effect of monthly stock taking on the control of expired oral drugs at the pharmacy logistics of RSI Hasanah Muhammadiyah Mojokerto for the period January to March 2022. The research method used is a retrospective descriptive observational method, this study was conducted by observation, interviews, and discussions. . The results of the study showed that the stock taking carried out every month at the pharmacy logistics of the Islamic Hospital Hasanah Muhammadiyah Mojokerto had an effect on drug control efforts at the hospital. This is supported by the absence of reports of receipt of expired oral drugs that reach the patient, controlled management of oral drugs in pharmacy logistics, the percentage value of expired or lost rupiah value is very small, namely 0.08%.</em></p> Ainiy Nur Farida Copyright (c) Mon, 11 Sep 2023 06:47:24 +0200 Kepatuhan Penggunaan Obat Hipertensi Pada Lansia Dengan Penyakit Hipertensi Di Dusun Ngagrok Desa Tempel Krian Sidoarjo <p><em>Hypertension is a condition where there is an increase in systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg according to JNC-7 criteria. Hypertension is found most in the population aged over 65 years with a percentage of 60-70%. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of adherence to the use of hypertension drugs in the elderly with hypertension in Dusun Ngagrok, Tempel Krian Village, Sidoarjo. This research is a quantitative research with a descriptive research design. The sample in this study amounted to 58 respondents obtained using a total sampling technique and using a measuring tool in the form of the MARS-5 questionnaire. The results of this study obtained 39 respondents (67.2%) of respondents with a questionnaire value of 25 which means the level of adherence to taking hypertension medication in the elderly who suffer from hypertension in Dusun Ngagrok Tempel Village is included in the high compliance category</em></p> atina khoirunnisa, Fahmi Ardianti, Valiandri Puspadina Copyright (c) Mon, 11 Sep 2023 06:48:23 +0200 Pola Peresepan Antidiabetik Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Rawat Jalan di PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta <p><em>Background. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease that continues to increase in number followed by the risk of irrational drug use. This study aims to determine the pattern of antidiabetic prescribing in outpatient type 2 DM patients at PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Research Methods:</em> <em>This study used an observational design with retrospective data collection in the medical records of outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus for the period October 2021 - March 2022. The sampling technique used a saturated sample of 155 medical records. Data analysis was carried out on antidiabetic therapy based on type and class. The results: Antidiabetic prescriptions include oral antidiabetic monotherapy (22.6%), insulin monotherapy (24.5%), a combination of 2 antidiabetics (31%), a combination of 3 or more oral antidiabetics (3.2%), an antidiabetic-insulin combination (16.1%) and an insulin-insulin combination (2.6%). Conclusion: The most common antidiabetic prescription was insulin monotherapy with a percentage of 31%. The most widely used insulin is novorapid insulin with a percentage of 20%.</em></p> Qarriy ‘Aina Urfiyya, Aisyah Copyright (c) Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0200